Saturday, May 15, 2010

Baking in the Dorm Kitchen

Wow. Sooo. Here's where I got to bake these past two semesters.

Baking in a college dorm has its ups and downs. One, people come by and compliment the smell, tell you it looks good, etc. On the other hand, they make you feel bad for not offering them cake or cookies, and sometimes you want to keep it a secret from your friends so you can surprise them but really can't because as soon as they smell something baking they come to check what's up. Two, it's a cute kitchen and the appliances work just great. But it's a little too tiny and cramped: hard to work with other people trying to use the stove or microwave, wash their dishes, and of course there are always the people who just kinda stand there watching you when you really want to invest in some quality time baking alone. Three, if I don't have a fork or bowl on hand and need one fast, usually people have them left around (note: none of those bowls, cups, peanut butter jar, etc are mine) that you can grab and use. Unfortunately, usually they're not clean. In fact, the sink is usually full of dirty dishes that make it impossible for you to wash your own dishes and clean up after baking. Why can't people clean up after themselves? Argh. But it's fine.

Next year I'm getting an apartment with my friend Lucy, and that should be better because we picked an apartment with a bigger kitchen. Just for me. Yay!

Plus, I'll get a bigger fridge. Look at what I've had to use this year (since I definitely don't like risking putting things in the public fridge):

Oh yeah, not to mention, all my room-temperature ingredients were stored between an armchair and my friends' fridge in our common room...


  1. It's great that you'll have your own kitchen next year! :)

  2. Yay college dorm kitchens! At least your oven has a window, haha if we have to check on something here we have to open the oven and let all the hot out : ( It's going to be great to have our own kitchens next year, I can't wait and I know you can't either! : )
